4th Party Logistics (4PLs)

System integration along the supply chain is essential for information exchange and logistics efficiency. Our e-WMS could do data interchange with customers’ PO system and ERP system assisting in inbound logistics coordination, pick-packing upon Sales Order confirmation, order dispatch and inventory control.
We offer similar services to Carl Zeiss, Tegent Technology, Brothers, Espon, G. Armani, Babyboom learning, Medel health products and various wine cellars, etc. All daily inbound receiving details could be accessed/filtered in the system with all declared dimension, weight and packing conditions. It would not only improve the operation efficiency but also ensure the data accuracy. All pick-packing/labelling requirements would be picked online with status tracking and tracing functions. Staff may priority the workloads according to individual dispatch deadline. All packing lists, commercial invoices, filled courier forms/SO/AWBs and the associated shipment labels could be generated from the system automatically.

Based on this logic-proof WMS system plus our monthly stock check physically against data provision, weekly or monthly service invoices could be generated by a simple button. It helps to build trust between customers and CYTS-SPIRIT.